Lead Pastors
Kevin & Jessie Tressler

Pastor Kevin, originally from southwestern PA outside of Pittsburgh, has been following and serving the Lord for over 20 years in various areas of ministry both in the church and in the community. He holds a BA in English Education with a minor in Bible from Lee University, an MA in English from the University of TN, and an MEd in Educational Technology from JMU. He received his ministerial license eight years ago and has been in associate pastor roles in both Maryland and Virginia. He loves to read and share the Word of God through teaching and preaching. His desire is that others will know Jesus intimately so they can live a life full of freedom and hope through Christ while being empowered to live out God's will in their lives. He loves journeying through life with his wife Jessie and their three daughters.

Jessie grew up in church, watching her parents worship, pray at the altar, and serve in different capacities. That rich heritage gave her a firm foundation as she walked her own faith journey out with God and learned to sit at Jesus' feet, accept His grace, submit to His will, and walk in victory. From 2002-2006 she attended Lee University, where she met Kevin and received a BA in journalism with minors in Bible and anthropology. Upon graduating, she was as a copy editor for Pathway Press in Cleveland, TN. In church ministry Jessie has served as Connections Ministry director, Children's Ministry teacher and VBS co-director, and youth leader. She is passionate about outreach, serving the community, and loving her neighbors well. Jessie finds her calling as a mom to be the most humbling and rewarding, and thanks God every day for entrusting her with the three precious souls that call her "mama" - Eve, Lucie, and Hattie.


Worship Leader & Creative Arts
Noelle Reed

Noelle was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA.  She grew up in church while her parents served in ministry.  At a young age, Noelle began her love of music.  As a teenager, she served in music ministry and taught herself to play several instruments.  At the age of 22, she moved to Maryland.  Little did she know, this would become a catalyst to God’s plan for her life. 

Noelle plugged into a local church in Maryland and began to find her true identity and purpose in Christ.  In 2013, she had an opportunity to attend a two week ministry intensive in NC.  During this time, Noelle accepted the call of God on her life to serve in worship ministry. In May 2018, she received her bachelor’s degree from Lee University in ministry management and leadership with an emphasis on music and worship. 

In the fall of 2018, Noelle began serving at New Covenant Fellowship Church. 

In leading worship, her heart is to create a place for people to encounter God and experience the fullness of His love.

Leadership Team

  • Emory & Tanya Geiser

    Deacon, Worship Team, Advance Youth, Women’s Ministry

  • Mike Hazell

    Executive Administrator

  • Brian & Amy Smith

    Deacon, Advance Youth Leaders
    Sound Engineer

  • Carl & Taylar Sorrell

    Crowned Kids Leaders

  • Bill & Lora Tosten

    Founders & Deacon